The film centers on the lives of three friends during World War II. One of them is executed for deserting, having attempted to see his girlfriend. Another of the three friends is traumatized by the de...
Erasmia, a young thief, and her partner in crime, Agostin, break into a rich businessman’s mansion, which they believe to be deserted, to steal a valuable painting, only to find Alexis, the business...
In the 19th century in Greece, two stout-hearted young men strive to win Haϊdo’s love. They kidnap her and quarrel. Haϊdo, however, falls in love with a bandit who is wanted by the police. The ban...
Τhe cheerful daughter of the neighborhood taverna owner, Asimina, wins an apartment in a cooking contest and thus becomes “the lady of the kitchen”. But even if she became a lady by chance, never...
An active building contractor (Marika Krevata) hires an unsuccessful private detective, Pantelis (Stavros Paravas). His mission is to sabotage her competitor, Bastounas (Dimitris Nikolaïdis), who is ...
In Athens a little while before the explosion of World War II Niki (Tzeni Karezi), a servant of the Army General Staff, is accused of leaking top secret documents to an Italian agent. The accusation i...
Clumsy secret agent Thou-Vou graduates at last, but due to a general recession in the trade, he is forced to open a mobile secret agent’s enterprise together with his colleague, MAP31. Their first c...